Which healthy popping boba should I buy?

Which healthy popping boba should I buy?

Ok... so let me level with you “healthy popping boba” is an oxymoron. Popping boba is super high in sugar and all products on the market have roughly the same ingredients. I’ve scoured the internet and found some products that are Better than most: they have a higher proportion of real ingredients, like fruit juice. 

The most popular brand of popping boba is Tea Zone, but the ingredient list is mostly artificial flavors. If you want a cheap option, this is it.

Fanale has popping boba that promises 12-14% real fruit juice, but they don’t sell very much on Amazon.

Bolle popping boba is sold on Amazon and is partially made of real fruit juice too. Bolle is a slightly more expensive brand of boba products but is so worth it. When they deliver, the packaging is always in tact and the flavor is all there.  You all know how I like Bolle’s boba pearls and the popping boba is no different in quality. 

Let me know - what are your favorite boba products? Happy boba-ing!  

 For more boba fun:

Best Boba Shops: 

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