Day 4.1: Wellington

Day 4.1: Wellington

This is day 4 .1 of 9 exploring New Zealand's North and South Island. It's 4.1 not because I want to stretch out the trip like they stretch out the Harry Potter movies, but rather because of the quantity of photos per post. If you haven't yet, you should check out Day 3: Lake Taupo! For the full itinerary... go here!

When I did research about Wellington, Google results kept flooding in labeling it "The Coolest Capital City in the World". So naturally, I was excited about coffee and brunch prospects.


The Short Story.
11: 00 AM Tacos at Z
12:00 PM Brunch at Plum with a view of the Bucket Fountain
2:30 PM Walk around Parliament
3:00 PM Coffee at Home Cafe
4:45 PM Dinner at Pita Pit
5:30 PM Wellington Picton Ferry
10:00 PM Holiday Park in Picton

The Long Story.

10:00 AM  We parked outside New World Market to restock on essentials, like Vitamin C. My poor travel partner was ill and there was no way I was going to catch it.

Needless to say, the New World Market experience was much better than the petroleum-scented towel experience we had at Pack and Save on Day 2.

11:00 AM Upon returning to the car, we notice we're way over our time and have not been ticketed. Win!

My travel partner had to rest, so I set out to explore Wellington on my own.

Because vitamin C is not a meal, I became ravenously hungry. I tried so hard to make it to a decent brunch place, but I caved and got a taco from Z. It did not itch my taco craving, but it was still tasty, with its peach salsa.

Leave it to the Texan to pick a snack.

Z is a Chiptole-style taco bar that makes for a good snack. 

To this point, I've been asking random people for Wellington to-do suggestions. Cuba Street and the Bucket Fountain and Plum Cafe came up a lot, so that's where I set out to go.

When I ask for coffee suggestions, a few people mention Mojo. I notice that it's a chain in the area and I decide that I wanted something different from the Robert Harris Wi-Fi experience.

After asking what seems like 20 people, I make it to my destination: Cuba St.

Lessons Learned
If you're really hungry, eat. You can always get eggs benny later.
If you're late to pay for your parking, it's not a HUGE deal? Don't take my word on this. You might not be so lucky.

12:00 PM Plum Cafe on Cuba Street.

Cuba St. is an eclectic street in Wellington with a lot of restaurants and boutiques.

I walk inside and ask about the infamous Bucket Fountain. 
Lady at Plum: Oh it's right outside!
Me: No - what?
Lady: Yeah- you passed it on the way in.
I look outside and.. low and behold, there was the bucket fountain. This is a structure of buckets that pours water into each other. Most of the water splashes on onlookers. Apparently some Fridays and Saturdays, they add soap to these fountains and it becomes very bubbly. Unfortunately, it was not engaging enough for me to take a photo. 

Strong coffee- surprise!

Yes- This eggs benny was the best I have ever had.

1:00 PM I stopped by Little India and picked up food for my ill travel partner.

The food here was pretty good.

1:30 PM Walked around the courtyard in front of Parliament.

I was getting anxious because I knew my parking ticket had long expired.

2:00 PM I return to the parked car. Phew- no ticket. This place is awesome. If you did this in SF, you'd be nailed with a $75 ticket. Add more time to parking meter.

3:00 PM Home Cafe
Clearly I'm not kidding about the 2 coffee a day rule.

This cafe is located across from parliament, Therefore (per a new Zealander), "It must be good." It was.

4:30 PM I'm thanking my lucky stars. I could have easily gotten 3 parking citations this day.

4:45 PM It is an awkward time and nothing is open. We eat at Pita Pit. I know, I know. Don't judge me. Per the sign, Pita Pit originated in New Zealand. It wasn't very good, but it usually never is. I knew we needed to eat before the ferry because otherwise we would be hangry. 

5:15 PM The Ferry is at 5:30 and we're lost on the freeway. Oh. My. God. We are going to be late to this very expensive ferry ride and they're going to leave us. Why can't we get on the other high way? Where are the freeway exits?

Maybe it's just me, but the freeway system here does not seem very well thought out.

5:29 PM Make it to the ferry on time. We don't depart for another hour.

Helpful Tips
Pharmacies are everywhere in this city. If you're sick, rest assured that you'll be taken care of.
However, if you're looking for a headphone splitter at an electronics shop, you can only have one that splits 5 ways. 

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Follow Up: How to Deal with Negative Restaurant Experiences